Public competitive recruitment announcement for public workers (directly-managed firefighters) at Changdeokgung Palace Management Office in 2023

We are hiring workers such as public servants to work at the Changdeokgung Palace Management Center at the Archery Relics Headquarters, so please apply a lot.

1. Recruitment Areas and Personnel (*Please refer to the notice for details)

h Direct firefighters are urgently needed (two public officials)

2. Selection method

h 1st: Document review

ㅇ 2nd: Interview test (limited to those who pass document screening)

3. Recruitment schedule

원 Applications are accepted: November 15, 2023 (Wednesday) to November 17, 2023 (Fri)

h Announcement of successful applicants for document review: November 22, 2023 (Wednesday)

h Interview test (scheduled): November 23, 2023 (Thursday)

h Final successful candidate announcement: November 24, 2023 (Fri)

* The detailed schedule may be changed depending on the institutional situation.

* Please refer to the attachment notice for details such as qualifications, working conditions, and how to receive the application form.