Announcement of successful applicants for hiring documents and announcement of interview schedules for 2023 employment of workers such as public officials at the Archery Relics Headquarters (Changdeokgung Palace Management Office)
The Changdeokgung Palace Management Office of the Palace Relics Headquarters announces the announcement and interview schedule for successful candidates for the document screening of public officials and others as follows.
1. Applicants who passed the document screening: Refer to the notice
2. Guide to the interview schedule
h Date and time: October 27, 2023 (Fri) *Refer to the interview time by job type in the notice
h Location: Changdeokgung Palace Management Office General Viewing Support Center (Location ☞ 1st basement floor of Changdeokgung Palace Ticket Office)
※ Address: Changdeokgung Palace Management Office, 99, Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
3. Information
ㅇ The schedule and location may be changed for unavoidable reasons, and the website will be announced when it is changed
ㅇ For other inquiries, please contact the hiring manager (02-3668-2333).